Has anyone implemented any of the Microstrategy products into a production environment? We're primarily interested in implementations that include clickstream data.<br>
It would not be hard to implement MSI to analyze clickstreams - there are a few data models around that are used by dedicated tools that might help develop this... <br><br>I suggest you have a look at SiteServer Express that comes with IIS - it loads the clickstream data into an access database and runs a bunch of reports against the db from asp pages as I recall. With a bit of reverse engineering I'm sure you could come up with something useful quite quickly. The loading logic would be quite easy to work out. It also depends on what volume of clicks would you be analyzing - things that work with low volumes rapidly get unworkable when scaling up... (unless you're on a TRULY scalable MPP DB!)<br><br>Dunko
I have done implementations of MSTR in production environments which includes click stream data analysis for a major ISP. What are the exact information that you are looking for? you can do lot with MSTR tool. you can reach me at cini@systechusa.com if you need any detailed information
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