Has anyone tried MS Web Matrix? It's free, and I'll tell you: I was finished with my first Webservice provider and consumer in less time than I spent fiddling the command line so I could run "Hello World" in JSP.
I am the lone programmer at my agency -- and I am the DBA as well. I cannot afford the time to do command line stuff, that was obsolete in the last century! Nor can I afford to do line-by-line coding to provide commonplace functionality.
I would like to stay out of the MS world, but is there any equivalent to Web Matrix in Java? What is the least programmer-hour, Open Source way to develop browser apps with Database backends?
I am the lone programmer at my agency -- and I am the DBA as well. I cannot afford the time to do command line stuff, that was obsolete in the last century! Nor can I afford to do line-by-line coding to provide commonplace functionality.
I would like to stay out of the MS world, but is there any equivalent to Web Matrix in Java? What is the least programmer-hour, Open Source way to develop browser apps with Database backends?