Technical User
- Feb 12, 2003
- 199
Microsoft Outlook could not sign or encrypt this message because you have no certificates which can be used to send from the email address ''.
My President was receiving macro warning every time she opened up Outlook so since we have firewall, antivirus software, i adjusted her Macro Security settings. Now all of a sudden she gets an error message like above whenever she tries to send an email and the action fails. Any ideas- we do not have her set up to work offline, as I know this has been an issue with Outlook.
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S.C. Albertin
Systems Coordinator/Newbie Tech
United Way
Help me to find my way, so that I may help others find theirs...
My President was receiving macro warning every time she opened up Outlook so since we have firewall, antivirus software, i adjusted her Macro Security settings. Now all of a sudden she gets an error message like above whenever she tries to send an email and the action fails. Any ideas- we do not have her set up to work offline, as I know this has been an issue with Outlook.
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S.C. Albertin
Systems Coordinator/Newbie Tech
United Way
Help me to find my way, so that I may help others find theirs...