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Microsoft JET Database Engine error '80004005'

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Apr 20, 2000
Here the problem. I am connecting to a access 2000 dbase using the following connection line.

dim inputdsn, connud, conninbd, connto, rsud

function login_UD()

inputdsn="Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=e:\web.mdb;Persist Security Info=False"
set ConnUD=server.createobject("adodb.connection")
ConnUD.open inputdsn
set RSUD=server.createobject("adodb.recordset")

end function

Then on the appropriate pages I create a inlude, and i make a call to the function to create the connection. Now, when i am logging into my page, this connection is getting run, and working fine. It gets run a second time when the next page comes up where it selects their access options from a RS. The problems is that i have a entire page in the site, that will not run. It has the inlcude, but when the include is loaded, it gives me the error listed above. I would understand it if the error came up every time the Dbase connection is made, but it only happens when loading one particular page.

There is a second kick to this problem. I can set up the same site and Dbases on my local PC, using PWS (personal web server) and all the parts of the page work fine, including the one above that errors on the server. If only the first part where true, i would think it was the code, but beings that the code works on the PWS, it can't be the code in the page can it?

I am looking for any ideas on where to look as far as what caused the problem. I have tried everything i can think of and have hit all dead ends.

am i to understand that the code you submitted works on some pages to open the connection and recordset, but not on one. or does the error appear when you try to open the recordset?
what line in the code is causing the error?
please post the complete code that is causing the error.
I had a similar problem recently. It would help a bit if you could provide a bit more info about where the problem occurs ie Intranet server or Internet ISP server :)

Whatever, the problem I had was caused by NT/permissions on the ISP server not allowing the db to update/insert data - data could be read. In my case, the problem was caused by using FrontPage to FTP the pages to the ISP - by using an FTP tool, I pretty much solved the problem.

Here's my 2 bits:

Like David, I had the error because the "allow change" permission on the folder was not set, allowing alteration of the database. This came about because I was started using 2 folders for the databases. One was a temp folder I uploaded into, then moved its contents to the "live" folder (just incase things went wrong during lengthy FTP's ). What happened was that the temp folder permissions would follow into the live folder, so the new copy of the database would inherit the old permissions. This can happen from your local folder to the ISP also. If the folder / site is password protected at the front, your ISP may allow you to set full permission on the folder, removing the problem.
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