I created a database that has 3 tables, an items table, lot table, and shift table. I have attached the relationship chart that will explain how the tables are linked.
I have created three forms that goes in sequence. The 1st form has the WEEk_Of and ITEM fields and the second form has LOT fields and ITEM fields, which will carry over from the 1st form.
The problem that I am having is that the I want the LOT information to carry over to the second form based on the Week_OF field, and if LOT information does not exist it gives the users the option to enter in LOT information for that WEEK_OF. After I enter in the Week_Of and ITEM information and go to second forms, only the first field in the LOT table gets displayed in the LOT fields.
I am trying to figure how I can have the LOT information displayed on the second form based on the WEEK_OF field on the 1st form. Also, I want the user be able to enter in LOT information if it does not exist for a particular WEEK_OF
~ | Macbook 2.4 ghz | OS X ~10.5.6~ | ~
I have created three forms that goes in sequence. The 1st form has the WEEk_Of and ITEM fields and the second form has LOT fields and ITEM fields, which will carry over from the 1st form.
The problem that I am having is that the I want the LOT information to carry over to the second form based on the Week_OF field, and if LOT information does not exist it gives the users the option to enter in LOT information for that WEEK_OF. After I enter in the Week_Of and ITEM information and go to second forms, only the first field in the LOT table gets displayed in the LOT fields.
I am trying to figure how I can have the LOT information displayed on the second form based on the WEEK_OF field on the 1st form. Also, I want the user be able to enter in LOT information if it does not exist for a particular WEEK_OF
~ | Macbook 2.4 ghz | OS X ~10.5.6~ | ~