I've just fixed the much-reported Microsoft flaw, as reported at
Why on earth is Windows written as a system that's wide open to hijack? Why isn't there an option for home users to say 'under no circumstances can any external instructions be performed without my specific permission'? And for business systems to have this right confined to one user plus the relevant technical experts.
It doesn't seem inherently difficult - if you choose to have a password on your machine, important operations cannot be done without re-entering that password.
Or was it written so that those 'in the know' could grab control of other people's machines and install or change what they pleased? But why should Microsoft wist to do that?
A view from the UK
Why on earth is Windows written as a system that's wide open to hijack? Why isn't there an option for home users to say 'under no circumstances can any external instructions be performed without my specific permission'? And for business systems to have this right confined to one user plus the relevant technical experts.
It doesn't seem inherently difficult - if you choose to have a password on your machine, important operations cannot be done without re-entering that password.
Or was it written so that those 'in the know' could grab control of other people's machines and install or change what they pleased? But why should Microsoft wist to do that?
A view from the UK