I recently added a row in the CTRDistributionMap table and when I try to process the data I keep getting error 94. None of the definitions of the fields in the table are defined as not null only, those that are allow duplicates. It is as soon as it executes the .Update command that the application fails.
The actual data in the fields it was using when it got the error are as follows:
Category = Alcohol Manufacturer
SeqNbr = 1
type = Registration
Distribution = w
beer percent = 0
beer prog = null
winePercent = 1
wine prog = 07364
liquor percent = 0
liquor prog = null
LoadCTRDistributionMap = True ' default
Set db = CurrentDb
strSQL = "SELECT * FROM " & cCTRDistributionMap
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(strSQL, dbOpenDynaset)
With rs
Do Until rsAccess.EOF ' from the table in ChartOfAccounts
strDistCategory = rsAccess!Category
iDistSeqNbr = rsAccess!SeqNbr
strDistType = rsAccess!Type
strDistDistribution = rsAccess!Distribution
sglDistBeerPercent = rsAccess!BeerPercent
strDistBeerProg = rsAccess!BeerProg
sglDistWinePercent = rsAccess!WinePercent
strDistWineProg = rsAccess!WineProg
sglDistLiquorPercent = rsAccess!LiquorPercent
strDistLiquorProg = rsAccess!LiquorProg
.AddNew ' to the table in this db
!Category = strDistCategory
!SeqNbr = iDistSeqNbr
!Type = strDistType
!Distribution = strDistDistribution
!BeerPercent = sglDistBeerPercent
!BeerProg = strDistBeerProg
!WinePercent = sglDistWinePercent
!WineProg = strDistWineProg
!LiquorPercent = sglDistLiquorPercent
!LiquorProg = strDistLiquorProg
End With
Exit Function
MsgBox "Load CTR Distribution Map Error: " & Err.Number & vbCrLf & Err.Description
Resume Next
LoadCTRDistributionMap = False
End Function
I recently added a row in the CTRDistributionMap table and when I try to process the data I keep getting error 94. None of the definitions of the fields in the table are defined as not null only, those that are allow duplicates. It is as soon as it executes the .Update command that the application fails.
The actual data in the fields it was using when it got the error are as follows:
Category = Alcohol Manufacturer
SeqNbr = 1
type = Registration
Distribution = w
beer percent = 0
beer prog = null
winePercent = 1
wine prog = 07364
liquor percent = 0
liquor prog = null
LoadCTRDistributionMap = True ' default
Set db = CurrentDb
strSQL = "SELECT * FROM " & cCTRDistributionMap
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(strSQL, dbOpenDynaset)
With rs
Do Until rsAccess.EOF ' from the table in ChartOfAccounts
strDistCategory = rsAccess!Category
iDistSeqNbr = rsAccess!SeqNbr
strDistType = rsAccess!Type
strDistDistribution = rsAccess!Distribution
sglDistBeerPercent = rsAccess!BeerPercent
strDistBeerProg = rsAccess!BeerProg
sglDistWinePercent = rsAccess!WinePercent
strDistWineProg = rsAccess!WineProg
sglDistLiquorPercent = rsAccess!LiquorPercent
strDistLiquorProg = rsAccess!LiquorProg
.AddNew ' to the table in this db
!Category = strDistCategory
!SeqNbr = iDistSeqNbr
!Type = strDistType
!Distribution = strDistDistribution
!BeerPercent = sglDistBeerPercent
!BeerProg = strDistBeerProg
!WinePercent = sglDistWinePercent
!WineProg = strDistWineProg
!LiquorPercent = sglDistLiquorPercent
!LiquorProg = strDistLiquorProg
End With
Exit Function
MsgBox "Load CTR Distribution Map Error: " & Err.Number & vbCrLf & Err.Description
Resume Next
LoadCTRDistributionMap = False
End Function