Can anyone direct me to Micros documentation that describes the SOAP or XML interface to the MDS Http service?", this question was already asked by a user a long time ago. What I am trying to do is essentially print from the Micros Server to any printer that I want. So if I have one Micros Server and 5 POS machines each with a printer connected to it, I'll have an application that will let the user to enter some text, select a printer and it'll print. The POS printers are connected to the POS machines through a serial RS232 cable to a serial/COM port and on each POS machine there's OPOS software. In order to do that I started digging on how the hell does the server print to a printer that uses a serial port. So I've setup wireshark in a test environment and indeed the POS machines run a SOAP service, the Micros server POSTs to that service some soap/xml with the needed info. I looked into full TCP traces and I started to think that if I recreated and change things in it I can totally do that. Did anyone ever work with this because there are some parameters and things in the soap request that I don't fully understand and know how to handle. Like the print Job ID, it has to be a unique sequence every time and it increments (I know I can programmatically use a large rand value but that's not reliable and professional since two matching job IDs will result in an error).