The WS6 terminals are nice. A pain to set up, but nice once they're up and going. They come in pretty much naked and boot to the windows 8.1 setup screen. You have to go through windows the configuration set up a local user with autologon, connect to the Internet to activate windows, and install CAL. Once I figured that out it was a breeze.
The tablets were a different story. I have the 11" mTablets on a base so they use a LAN connection instead of WiFi. They needed the same windows configuration as the WS6, but don't recognize the card reader or base by default. I had to get the local dealership to come out and reimage them. Not a big deal, just wish I had known earlier since after reimaging I had to go through windows setup again. We also couldn't get them to recognize IDN printers so I converted the check printers to IP. I always have two cat5 cables run to each workstation, so it wasn't really a big deal, but it's something to consider next time around.
@pmegan, Great good to know for both workstations. I was recently asked to look at the Mobile units again. I'll take a look at the 11" mTablets then. Unfortunately I will need to have them on wireless, so we will see how that goes. Good Info, thanks again and if I have any questions I'll let you know.
I have one location testing out the 8" mTablets. The servers actually preferred them over the 11" version because the larger ones were too big and awkward in their aprons. They're great, and do make the servers more productive, but have been a little bit of a challenge. Connectivity isn't the best, and when they glitch you get "override check owned by offline workstation" prompts. I don't allow servers & bartenders access to this, so it kills the managers when this happens.
If it helps, here is a CAL package I wrote for the Win8.1 devices that locks it down nicely, while also creating an auto-logged in user. Does create a UAC prompt, so I suggest setting it as the first entry in your PackageList.
Thanks Moregelen. I have been trying to test it using the latest Oracle CAL release but it gets stuck on transferring over the Micros32reg.bat file....after it successfully transfers it. I haven't had time to dig into it yet.
So just an update. I have been able to CAL a Windows 10 Pro box and load Micros onto it. It seems to work fine and no issues at all so far. This is just a back office workstation. I have yet to try running OPS on it.
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