James Hirth
4/20/2021 12:15:01 AM Could not execute statement. User 'CFK1_TAX_CLASS_JURIS_DEF' has the row in '???' locked SQLCODE=-210, ODBC 3 State="40001" File: "Scripts.sql" on line 109708, column 1
4/20/2021 12:15:01 AM **Error Updating Database**, Database Update Failed!
4/20/2021 12:15:01 AM Check Micros dm.log for errors.
4/20/2021 12:15:01 AM Database was upgraded successfully but failed to apply micros scripts. Try to start the service and use "DM -u" to update the database.
I'm trying to restore a database from an older 4.11 Micros server into a not as old 5.2 server, I ran the CLI command "DM -U "D:\MICROS\Database\.........mbz"" to bypass and restore from the older .mbz file format. Everything seemed to be working until the above failure occurred. Any advise or assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you,
4/20/2021 12:15:01 AM **Error Updating Database**, Database Update Failed!
4/20/2021 12:15:01 AM Check Micros dm.log for errors.
4/20/2021 12:15:01 AM Database was upgraded successfully but failed to apply micros scripts. Try to start the service and use "DM -u" to update the database.
I'm trying to restore a database from an older 4.11 Micros server into a not as old 5.2 server, I ran the CLI command "DM -U "D:\MICROS\Database\.........mbz"" to bypass and restore from the older .mbz file format. Everything seemed to be working until the above failure occurred. Any advise or assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you,