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Micros Eclipse workstation and What Micros Version?

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Technical User
Mar 15, 2012
Hey everyone,

I have a new Client I am working with, however, I do not know the Micros version. I do know that they have a few Micros Eclipse workstations they got when they purchased a failed Restaurant. I know this workstation can be on a 9700 system (which I am very familiar with) and possibly on a 3700 and e7 system. I am told that they have a Micros server as well. I cannot get the client to turn the server on or a workstation as they are in their storage, so I do not know for sure. I only have photos of 1 of the workstations, which is how I know what type of workstation it is. My questions are.

[li]What is the likelihood the system is e7, 3700 or 9700?[/li]
[li]What is the licensing for this situation?[/li]
[li]Can the Name of the Restaurant be changed? (on 3700 and e7)[/li]

I've really only worked with other sites that are already running or have just setup new workstations to existing systems (e7, 3700 and 9700). Again, my main Micros system I know in and out is 9700. Any info or suggestion would help. Thanks.
Restaurant is likely e7 or 3700. Licensing can only be determined by a key code lookup or booting the server.

Eclipse workstations also probably mean you're looking at an older installation, as I don't think they work with 3700 5.x.

Is there anything I should watch out for when starting up the server and services, connecting the workstations and such?
When you boot up the server, open the micros control panel and hit About in the menu bar. The version will be on the splash screen.

Eclipses aren't supported on Res 5.x. They won't run Win7 and XP is dead. Your biggest hurdle if this is a 3700 will be credit cards. With Eclipse workstations you'll be on Res 4.x, and MerchantLink won't install CC's on anything below 5.0
Yea, I was wondering about the CC's as well. My main site I support is 9700 and we are PCI compliant. I will post back Saturday if I have any other questions. I've tried explaining a few things to the client, but they are insistent on getting it up and running that day. I don't know if the wiring is good, or if the server will boot up and so on. So it will be a fun day. Any other thoughts would be helpful with this kind of client.
The client has workstation 4's, and is running res4.1. After checking the workstations and networking I get everything up and run into a licensing issue. I don't have an issue on the server side, I see the licensing error on the workstations. The error is "this workstation xxx is not licensed". I've contacted the local micros office but have not heard from the. Does anyone know of how to fix this error. The lincese USB is plugges into the server. I have tried a few different USB ports but nothing worked. Also restarted services as well.
Go to Start/programs/micros applications/utilities/license manager
If the key is recognized it will show the key number, even if the codes have been deleted. If it isn't even recognized the key is bad.

Either way, this is going to be a bad thing for your client. If the key is bad, micros isn't going to RMA it unless they pay for relicensing. Also, MerchantLink has two criteria. The above mentioned Res/OS versions, and license registration. Even if they upgrade to 5.x, MLS won't set up credit cards unless that key is relicensed. At that point they're still screwed, because WS4's don't do well on Res5, and CE4 is out of compliancy in December. I feel bad for them, but it seems like they may have an unusable system, although it may be good for a trade-in.
Thanks pmegan. At the moment the credit cards won't be a problem, they currently are using stand alone terminals. Do you know why it would do this if nothing had been changed?

Also I will try the above mentioned resolution.
Also, @pmegan.
They had two USB sticks, one said Micros on it and the other is just a number. It is possible that they got the two swapped and I had the wrong one in.
My guess is that the one with the number is your key. Try plugging it in, restarting the DSM service and opening license manager. If it's a working software key you'll see the number towards the top left. If it you'll get a "no key present" message there.

Once you get a key, go through the pages and see if you have any green checks, and any codes in place for the various modules.

Will do, Thanks. I am heading to the client store today.
Will there be any issues changing the Name of the Restaurant? What about changing the name on the receipts?
@pmegan, how hard is it to daisy chain printers to be used as expeditor printers. The model in question is the u220 with idn cards? Would it be similar to how the 9700 system is done? Idn a to tm88 printers idn 1. Then from idn 2 on the wks printer to idn 2 on the the u220? How is the setup in the configurator done?
Changing the name won't be an issue until you need support from micros.

IDN printing is the same as the 8700/9700 physically. Just daisy chained and the dip switches determine the ID. In the configuration go to the devices tab / devices button. Assign a controlling workstation to each printer in the general tab, and an IDN# in the printer definition tab.

Restart the database when you're done making changes.
ok, Thanks. I'll post again if I have issues or questions.
The key shows present. However Looking at the client s I see red x's under the license codes.I've restarted the workstations and also the DSM distributed service manager along with the server (which was done first).

The control panel shows. The workstations as up. So I am not sure what's next.
Ok, I've got them up and running under Demo mode, however I know they can't stay in this mode forever. Need to get this fixed. I don't understand why as nothing was changed on the system. The system was shut down and then moved to another location and brought back up. No changes on the OS or Software side was done. Also, pmegan, I want to thank you for your Employee query, I used it was able to get the log in ID's via the database.
Are there any green checks under the products/features tab? You've got codes for the clients, but if the product itself isn't licensed they won't matter. The key is seems like it's functioning, but if the license codes are incorrect or mismatched, (meaning the old owners swapped keys, or Micros deleted/changed the product key when their site closed), your not going to be able to get it fixed without assistance from Micros.

One last thing you can try is to see if there's a license key backup somewhere one the server. They're held in the registry:
All of the servers that are put out by Micros NYC will back up that key to a secondary hard drive; maybe the dealership that built your server does the same.
Spoke with Micros and I gave them client License numbers and i was told they don't match what is listed with the license key. So 1 of 2 things is going on. The OG owner changed the keys or gave them the old or ?? usb key. 2. Someone from the New owner tried to change things and get it working on their own. Looking at the suggest info in the Registry and I see the same numbers. So I am not sure whats going on. or if I can get the info else where. Is there a spot I can check to see for any auditing info? For instance, if and when anyone changed license info or different key?
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