Hi all
In micros ver 4 is there any way to change the password of dba if you forget the dba password or tell me any other user who has same right as dba
Yes. In CONFIGURATOR, under \employee classes\options there is a list of checkboxes for DM access. Make sure your Micros user has acccess to DM
Inside DM, goto PASSWORDS. Select the DBA user, and see if you can modify the DBA password. If you can, then it has never been set.
If it allows you to modify but asks for the current password (which you appear to be stuck on) then your next option is to take a few backups as well as micros.db and micros.log files and reinstall the software.
The passwords are external to Micros. A standard installation (or upgrade) would include the installer manually setting the DBA, CUSTOM and MICROSSVC passswords in DM.
Make sense? I have looked around for methods to crack the DBA password, by changing Sybase to accept integrated logins etc in registry, but they were unsuccessful.
Have as many backups as possible. The MBZ includes the DB encryption key.
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