After updating a 4.9 3700 system to 5.2 , Gift Cards do not swipe.
When swiped I get no error at all
If swiped on sign in screen it says "invalid entry" so it does see the card.
If swiped on wordpad on same terminal it reads number fine
Credit cards work fine
Compared 5.2 settings in GSS tab to 4.9 system - Same
Compared 5.2 settings in SVC CHRGE tab to 4.9 system - Same
CE on Terminals was updated as well
Everything else works great
Any Idea's?
Thank you!
When swiped I get no error at all
If swiped on sign in screen it says "invalid entry" so it does see the card.
If swiped on wordpad on same terminal it reads number fine
Credit cards work fine
Compared 5.2 settings in GSS tab to 4.9 system - Same
Compared 5.2 settings in SVC CHRGE tab to 4.9 system - Same
CE on Terminals was updated as well
Everything else works great
Any Idea's?
Thank you!