I thought having crystal Installed on the server would cause Micros to fail. Has that changed in 5.0? Can I have Crystal installed on this server? What version should I have installed for 5.0?
I think I figured out a bit of it… I am specifically having problems with TCTipsAndSales w rate.rpt , TCAndTips9AndPayrRate.rpt , TCDetail.rpt , TCTipsAndSales_New.rpt , TCTipsAndSales.rpt . None of those come up in 5.0 .
Do you have any of those reports for 5.0 you could post?
No prob. I figured I wouldn't get that lucky Thanks. So you think starting with a box with Crystal installed, installing 5.0, then doing a verify database is the way to go?
Shouldn't have to do that much. On another computer on the same network hopefully with crystal already installed, copy the SQL Anywhere 11 folder from Micros to that computer. Register the DLL, setup a DSN, and just remote connect. If you really want crystal on the same box that you have RES on I think installing Crystal and then running either the most recent patch or the RES 5 repair will find things, so you don't have to completely uninstall. I just tend to not install directly to my Micros lab.
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