Never heard of that one before, but .OnMouseUp sounds like an event failure inside the configurator code. Is this running on the server or a node that you ran NetSetup on?
I am running POS configurator on the server.
It presents the message: Loading User Workstation table, and then fails with the message: dbchk_ordr_dev_11.OnMouseU
At this point other POS Configurator tabs will still work, but User Workstations is now hung. You have to shutdown POS Configurator and restart to get any response from User Workstations again.
I have checked the db table uws_def where I note an unknown UWS listed that has many NULL's defined.
I have (3) licenses + server and there are (5) UWS's in this table.
Possibly if you can share some SQL code for deleting all entries for this unknown uws_seq (usw_seq = 39) I could try this as an experiment??
I don't know what is going on, but this was something that seemed strange.
yes. This is a production server that has worked fine in the past. I don't know when this tabs functions went bad as we don't use it frequently.
I went down the dB path because of the activity message "Loading User Workstation table"
I've gone into db and made the updates that we needed for now, but it would be nice to determine what is wrong with the User Workstations tab of POS Configurator for future use.
If you have any ideas...feel free to offer and I can experiment.
Does this happen as soon as you open the User Workstations form or does it happen after the form is open and you go to the Order Devices tab? If i had to take a guess I'd think it has something to do with the checkbox to enable order device 11 on the User Workstations | Order Devices tab.
From SQL try running "SELECT * FROM micros.uws_def " and take a look at the ob_enable_ordr_dev_11 column. Make sure they all have either 'T' or 'F'. If something in the db did get corrupted an you have an invalid value in there it may cause some weird issues.
What version of 3.x are you running?
If it was me I'd reinstall the service pack that brought you up to that version. It still sounds like this may be more of a configurator issue than database, mainly because the database isn't concerned with mouse events and OnMouseUp is an event that's used in .Net programming.
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