Technical User
We have a SIM to generate cash withdrawals with certain characteristics using Pickups, the problem is that on some occasions when reaching the line where the Pickup is made with the Tender 602 the system shows invalid entry and continues with the code.
I have identified that having an open Check affects but I have already taken measures to detect and request to cancel it but still they continue to report me cases but I cannot identify what other problems cause it or if there is a way to catch it, if there was an error and how to stop the code with an additional message.
I have identified that having an open Check affects but I have already taken measures to detect and request to cancel it but still they continue to report me cases but I cannot identify what other problems cause it or if there is a way to catch it, if there was an error and how to stop the code with an additional message.
LoadKyBdMacro Cash_Pickup, MakeKeys(CASH_AMNT), @Key_Enter
/////////IF Invalid Entry it's detected after this line exitwitherror!!!
Call Ultimo_retiro( 2 )
Call UnloadDLL
Call Load_ODBC_DLL
Call ConnectDBRetiros
Call Agrega_Retiro_Bd
Call Lee_Folio
Call Imprime_Ficha