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Micros 3700 - intermittent failure to print

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Nov 7, 2023

I'm working on deploying a digital table ordering system (QR codes), and it has been successful on over 60 of our locations and ~20 different servers but we have one that just doesn't seem to be working. Every single item was tested in early October and every item printed successfully to their assigned printers. We took them live a few weeks later and started encountering intermittent printing failure, the guest would order an item and it wouldn't print, but it would be in the POS as a check. The same item would be ordered a few minutes later and it would print successfully. This wasn't limited to just one printer, it was both the bar and kitchen that would not print sometimes

Here are a few more details:
1. The integration goes through Transaction Services and uses an API employee to function
2. It is a direct integration from web app to Micros done by Eigen (xDine)
3. RES 5.5 MR 7
4. All printers were just replaced a few months ago from IDN to IP, Epson TM-U220B printer using the UB-E03
5. The database was just rebuilt last month, but the issues were already present before this
6. Server is rebooted every other night
7. All checks run in by actual waitstaff (i.e. not through the API Workstation) print every single time without fail
8. We've tried another location on the server and it also had the same random printing issues at the same time that this location encounters them

Here are a few lines from the 3700d log for an order that failed to print.

Here is the check being created:

Mon Nov 06 10:13:57 2023 | YYZ3700 | POSAPI | 0 | CTransactionServices::postTransactionEx called on thread 15176 |
Mon Nov 06 10:13:57 2023 | YYZ3700 | POSAPI | 0 | Time Passed to autofire = 2023, November, 06, 10, 13 |
Mon Nov 06 10:13:57 2023 | YYZ3700 | POSAPI | 0 | Entered PostTransaction |
Mon Nov 06 10:13:57 2023 | YYZ3700 | POSAPI | 0 | Create check Succeeded Check num 9721 Check Sequence 37611063 Check id |
Mon Nov 06 10:13:57 2023 | YYZ3700 | POSAPI | 0 | Add Menu Item called for Menu Item Seq 239182 Menu Item STEAK AND EGG |
Mon Nov 06 10:13:57 2023 | YYZ3700 | POSAPI | 0 | Add Menu Item called for Menu Item Seq 203772 Menu Item medium |
Mon Nov 06 10:13:57 2023 | YYZ3700 | POSAPI | 0 | Add Menu Item called for Menu Item Seq 203671 Menu Item over easy |
Mon Nov 06 10:13:57 2023 | YYZ3700 | POSAPI | 0 | Add Menu Item called for Menu Item Seq 204032 Menu Item toast wheat |
Mon Nov 06 10:13:57 2023 | YYZ3700 | POSAPI | 0 | Add Menu Item called for Menu Item Seq 283558 Menu Item Grapefruit Juice |
Mon Nov 06 10:13:57 2023 | YYZ3700 | POSAPI | 0 | [CTransactionServices::AddTenderMedia] Processing tmed object num = [909] |
Mon Nov 06 10:13:57 2023 | YYZ3700 | POSAPI | 0 | [CTransactionServices::AddTenderMedia] Calculated AmtDue = 32.76 for seat = 1 |
Mon Nov 06 10:13:57 2023 | YYZ3700 | POSAPI | 0 | Attempting To Add Tmed record seq 755 Tmed Item Send No Prin |
Mon Nov 06 10:13:57 2023 | YYZ3700 | POSAPI | 0 | [CTransactionServices::AddTenderMedia] Done processing tmed object num = [909] |
Mon Nov 06 10:13:57 2023 | YYZ3700 | POSAPI | 0 | Leaving PostTransaction |
Mon Nov 06 10:13:57 2023 | YYZ3700 | POSAPI | 0 | CTransactionServices::postTransactionEx completed successfully, TTE = 94 |
Mon Nov 06 10:13:57 2023 | YYZ3700 | POSAPI | 0 | CTransactionServices::AddToExistingCheckEx called on thread 20564 |
Mon Nov 06 10:13:57 2023 | YYZ3700 | POSAPI | 0 | Time Passed to autofire = 2023, November, 06, 10, 13 |
Mon Nov 06 10:13:57 2023 | YYZ3700 | POSAPI | 0 | Entered PostTransaction |
Mon Nov 06 10:13:57 2023 | YYZ3700 | POSAPI | 0 | [CTransactionServices::AddTenderMedia] Processing tmed object num = [909] |
Mon Nov 06 10:13:57 2023 | YYZ3700 | POSAPI | 0 | [CTransactionServices::AddTenderMedia] Calculated AmtDue = 32.76 for seat = 1 |
Mon Nov 06 10:13:57 2023 | YYZ3700 | POSAPI | 0 | Attempting To Add Tmed record seq 755 Tmed Item Send No Prin |
Mon Nov 06 10:13:57 2023 | YYZ3700 | POSAPI | 0 | [CTransactionServices::AddTenderMedia] Done processing tmed object num = [909] |
Mon Nov 06 10:13:57 2023 | YYZ3700 | POSAPI | 0 | Leaving PostTransaction |
Mon Nov 06 10:13:57 2023 | YYZ3700 | POSAPI | 0 | CTransactionServices::AddToExistingCheckEx completed successfully, TTE = 110 |

And here is where we get a message that the order already fired, but it didn't:

Mon Nov 06 10:14:17 2023 | PADBPBAR01 | MDSHTTPTransprt | 0 | DoRequest found node BOCWALL2 [] not ping-able |
Mon Nov 06 10:14:17 2023 | PADBPBAR01 | PManager.OPS | 0 | PMB: Cannot communicate with Print controller [c7080131] |
Mon Nov 06 10:14:17 2023 | PADBPBAR01 | PManager.OPS | 0 | PBM: Failed to call node[BOCWALL2] method[Submit][PADBPBAR01 Task 430 Gen 0] |
Mon Nov 06 10:14:17 2023 | YYZ3700 | ResPrintApi | 0 | Flushing Status items older than 5 minutes |
Mon Nov 06 10:14:20 2023 | YYZ3700 | ResPrintApi | 0 | Flushing Status items older than 5 minutes |
Mon Nov 06 10:14:23 2023 | YYZ3700 | ResPrintApi | 0 | Flushing Status items older than 5 minutes |
Mon Nov 06 10:14:23 2023 | PADBPBAR01 | MDSHTTPTransprt | 0 | DoRequest found node BOCCSRV1 [] not ping-able |
Mon Nov 06 10:14:23 2023 | PADBPBAR01 | PManager.OPS | 0 | PMB: Cannot communicate with Print controller [c7080131] |
Mon Nov 06 10:14:23 2023 | PADBPBAR01 | PManager.OPS | 0 | PBM: Failed to call node[BOCCSRV1] method[Submit][PADBPBAR01 Task 431 Gen 0] |
Mon Nov 06 10:14:26 2023 | YYZ3700 | ResPrintApi | 0 | Flushing Status items older than 5 minutes |
Mon Nov 06 10:14:29 2023 | YYZ3700 | ResPrintApi | 0 | Flushing Status items older than 5 minutes |
Mon Nov 06 10:14:29 2023 | PADBPBAR01 | MDSHTTPTransprt | 0 | DoRequest found node BOCCSRV1 [] not ping-able |
Mon Nov 06 10:14:29 2023 | PADBPBAR01 | PManager.OPS | 0 | PMB: Cannot communicate with Print controller [c7080131] |
Mon Nov 06 10:14:29 2023 | PADBPBAR01 | PManager.OPS | 0 | PBM: Failed to call node[BOCCSRV1] method[Cancel][<Id><Version>2.01</Version><JobId>PADBPBAR01 Task 431 Gen 0</JobId></Id>] |
Mon Nov 06 10:14:32 2023 | YYZ3700 | ResPrintApi | 0 | Flushing Status items older than 5 minutes |
Mon Nov 06 10:14:35 2023 | YYZ3700 | ResPrintApi | 0 | Flushing Status items older than 5 minutes |
Mon Nov 06 10:14:35 2023 | PADBPBAR01 | MDSHTTPTransprt | 0 | DoRequest found node BOCCSRV1 [] not ping-able |
Mon Nov 06 10:14:35 2023 | PADBPBAR01 | PManager.OPS | 0 | PMB: Cannot communicate with Print controller [c7080131] |
Mon Nov 06 10:14:35 2023 | PADBPBAR01 | PManager.OPS | 0 | PBM: Failed to call node[BOCCSRV1] method[Submit][PADBPBAR01 Task 432 Gen 0] |
Mon Nov 06 10:14:38 2023 | YYZ3700 | ResPrintApi | 0 | Flushing Status items older than 5 minutes |
Mon Nov 06 10:14:41 2023 | PADBPBAR01 | MDSHTTPTransprt | 0 | DoRequest found node BOCWALL2 [] not ping-able |
Mon Nov 06 10:14:41 2023 | PADBPBAR01 | PManager.OPS | 0 | PMB: Cannot communicate with Print controller [c7080131] |
Mon Nov 06 10:14:42 2023 | PADBPBAR01 | PManager.OPS | 0 | PBM: Failed to call node[BOCWALL2] method[Submit][PADBPBAR01 Task 433 Gen 0] |
Mon Nov 06 10:14:41 2023 | YYZ3700 | ResPrintApi | 0 | Flushing Status items older than 5 minutes |
Mon Nov 06 10:14:44 2023 | YYZ3700 | ResPrintApi | 0 | Flushing Status items older than 5 minutes |
Mon Nov 06 10:14:47 2023 | PADBPBAR01 | MDSHTTPTransprt | 0 | DoRequest found node BOCWALL2 [] not ping-able |
Mon Nov 06 10:14:47 2023 | PADBPBAR01 | PManager.OPS | 0 | PMB: Cannot communicate with Print controller [c7080131] |
Mon Nov 06 10:14:47 2023 | PADBPBAR01 | PManager.OPS | 0 | PBM: Failed to call node[BOCWALL2] method[Cancel][<Id><Version>2.01</Version><JobId>PADBPBAR01 Task 433 Gen 0</JobId></Id>] |
Mon Nov 06 10:14:47 2023 | YYZ3700 | ResPrintApi | 0 | Flushing Status items older than 5 minutes |
Mon Nov 06 10:14:50 2023 | YYZ3700 | ResPrintApi | 0 | Flushing Status items older than 5 minutes |
Mon Nov 06 10:14:53 2023 | YYZ3700 | ResPrintApi | 0 | Flushing Status items older than 5 minutes |
Mon Nov 06 10:14:53 2023 | PADBPBAR01 | MDSHTTPTransprt | 0 | DoRequest found node BOCCSRV2 [] not ping-able |
Mon Nov 06 10:14:53 2023 | PADBPBAR01 | PManager.OPS | 0 | PMB: Cannot communicate with Print controller [c7080131] |
Mon Nov 06 10:14:53 2023 | PADBPBAR01 | PManager.OPS | 0 | PBM: Failed to call node[BOCCSRV2] method[Submit][PADBPBAR01 Task 434 Gen 0] |
Mon Nov 06 10:14:56 2023 | YYZ3700 | ResPrintApi | 0 | Flushing Status items older than 5 minutes |
Mon Nov 06 10:14:59 2023 | YYZ3700 | ResPrintApi | 0 | Flushing Status items older than 5 minutes |
Mon Nov 06 10:14:59 2023 | PADBPBAR01 | MDSHTTPTransprt | 0 | DoRequest found node BOCCBAR1 [] not ping-able |
Mon Nov 06 10:14:59 2023 | PADBPBAR01 | PManager.OPS | 0 | PMB: Cannot communicate with Print controller [c7080131] |
Mon Nov 06 10:14:59 2023 | PADBPBAR01 | PManager.OPS | 0 | PBM: Failed to call node[BOCCBAR1] method[Submit][PADBPBAR01 Task 435 Gen 0] |
Mon Nov 06 10:15:02 2023 | YYZ3700 | ResPrintApi | 0 | Flushing Status items older than 5 minutes |
Mon Nov 06 10:15:05 2023 | YYZ3700 | ResPrintApi | 0 | Flushing Status items older than 5 minutes |
Mon Nov 06 10:15:05 2023 | PADBPBAR01 | MDSHTTPTransprt | 0 | DoRequest found node BOCCBAR1 [] not ping-able |
Mon Nov 06 10:15:05 2023 | PADBPBAR01 | PManager.OPS | 0 | PMB: Cannot communicate with Print controller [c7080131] |
Mon Nov 06 10:15:05 2023 | PADBPBAR01 | PManager.OPS | 0 | PBM: Failed to call node[BOCCBAR1] method[Cancel][<Id><Version>2.01</Version><JobId>PADBPBAR01 Task 435 Gen 0</JobId></Id>] |
Mon Nov 06 10:15:06 2023 | PADBPBAR01 | OPS | 0 | Autofire: about to fire check seq 37611063, but it was already fired!!! Operation will not continue. |

Any help or hunches would be greatly appreciated!
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