A new owner purchased a restaurant with Micros RES 3700 version 5.2 running, the SVC driver was previously purchased and already installed on the system. He has the Chockstone / Archer Micros Host Adapter Gift Card Interface version 1.0 loaded on the system. The previous owner used the same driver and same gift card processing company. A new parameter sheet was issued and changes to the Chockstone domain, sellerProfileID and ProfileID were made on the Chockstone Driver. On the Micros SVC Interface configuration the sellerprofieId was entered as the siteID. When a gift card was attempted to be loaded the following error screen appeared: "Store Value Card Interface (Dapp) Failed to Authorize profile Press ok or Print to continue" Does anyone know what this error refers to and how to correct it?
A new owner purchased a restaurant with Micros RES 3700 version 5.2 running, the SVC driver was previously purchased and already installed on the system. He has the Chockstone / Archer Micros Host Adapter Gift Card Interface version 1.0 loaded on the system. The previous owner used the same driver and same gift card processing company. A new parameter sheet was issued and changes to the Chockstone domain, sellerProfileID and ProfileID were made on the Chockstone Driver. On the Micros SVC Interface configuration the sellerprofieId was entered as the siteID. When a gift card was attempted to be loaded the following error screen appeared: "Store Value Card Interface (Dapp) Failed to Authorize profile Press ok or Print to continue" Does anyone know what this error refers to and how to correct it?