So I've got a slight issue.
When ringing in a combo meal, the KDS doesn't appear to indent the main item at all, and there doesn't seem to be a way to get it to print tabbed out.
So you'd see two tickets like this:
Technically, the cooks _should_ know that the first ticket is an a la carte sandwich, and ticket two is a meal - not a meal and an a la carte sandwich, given that the meal will always have the sandwich below it. Despite that, you can see how this might be confusing...
Does anyone have any ideas about how to tackle this issue?
When ringing in a combo meal, the KDS doesn't appear to indent the main item at all, and there doesn't seem to be a way to get it to print tabbed out.
So you'd see two tickets like this:
Ticket 1: Ticket 2:
1 Sandwich 1 Sandwich Meal
1 Sandwich
Technically, the cooks _should_ know that the first ticket is an a la carte sandwich, and ticket two is a meal - not a meal and an a la carte sandwich, given that the meal will always have the sandwich below it. Despite that, you can see how this might be confusing...
Does anyone have any ideas about how to tackle this issue?