Hi everybody,
This is my first post ever in this forum. Hope that I didn't ask too much.
We have a system here running MicroFocus V4.0, Solaris 2.5.1, Oracle 7.3.4, ProCobol 1.8.4; and would like to upgrade to ServerExpress 2.2, Solaris 2.8.0, Oracle 9i.
Just wondering if it is feasible to do it without the pain of modifying most of the COBOL and PL/SQL codes? Is there anything to be aware of in terms of the compilation of COBOL codes under new operating system environment and database setup?
I'm entirely new to do this kind of migration, any help and directions in detail will be much appreciated!
Many thanks in advanced.
Best regards,
This is my first post ever in this forum. Hope that I didn't ask too much.
We have a system here running MicroFocus V4.0, Solaris 2.5.1, Oracle 7.3.4, ProCobol 1.8.4; and would like to upgrade to ServerExpress 2.2, Solaris 2.8.0, Oracle 9i.
Just wondering if it is feasible to do it without the pain of modifying most of the COBOL and PL/SQL codes? Is there anything to be aware of in terms of the compilation of COBOL codes under new operating system environment and database setup?
I'm entirely new to do this kind of migration, any help and directions in detail will be much appreciated!
Many thanks in advanced.
Best regards,