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MiCollab ACD Softphone

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Technical User
Aug 7, 2009

MiVb 9.3, MICC 9 and MiCollab 9.3

To log a MiCollab ACD Softphone into an agent group , any agent group you simply enable the softphone from the MiCollab Client using the radio button and to log out of ACD you disable the softphone. This works ok but how can the user receive non ACD calls when logged out of ACD ?

I have tried setting make busy by adding a speed call on the client to dial the make busy set up code with 0 on the end but it does not work.

the idea is that you should use ignite for make busy and group presence changes

sh should be able to dial the make busy code using a speedcall in micollab but will probably need to prefix it with -

and it can only be used when idle ( not mid call)

its about time mitel made this work properly by adding some sort of mitai control via a button or menu so that you can do proper acd control

dont hold your breath thiugh

If I never did anything I'd never done before , I'd never do anything.....

Hi Billz66 thank you

Yes we are looking at how ignite can be used to manipulate the MiCollab ACD softphones

I will try the speed call on the client with a space before the reason code and report back. Management want to eliminate all desk phones in favour of softphones. I have to say I personally don't like the idea for many reasons but that's where we are.

Our current ACD set up uses a multicall number as the interflow / final overflow and this appears on desk phone keys so when any of the ACD paths interflow many phones ring simultaneously and we will of course loose this function. I cant see any way to replicate this idea where many phones ring simultaneously as an ACD overflow of last resort.

I don't know if you can have two softphones on one MiCollab client one as the ACD softphone and another that can be used as the ACD overflow but additional licencing will be required. I am going to test next week to see if we can do this.

Not a space its a minus ( hyphen)
this allows for digit string to be sent without prefixing with access code
if you dont want to set the reason code # is the normal overrider

i just tested on my system with walk away codes on
- added make busy code 6 on YSE as meeting
- mivb has make busy set *2* and make busy cancel *2#
on micollab added speed call
MB meet *2*6 ( as that is less than my extension length i dont need to prefix with -)

both seem to work ok when dialled from idle agent extension
Contact centre client shows make busy meeting if thats been set

you should also be able to adjust group presence for skill groups using dialled codes in a similar manner
- both of these will be easier using ignite

not sure that its fully supported but i added a multicall set to ring of another extension on my acd agents keys

when i ring that it rings on the softphone and can be answered

no indication though of what made the softphone ring ( users wont know it was a multicall key )

If I never did anything I'd never done before , I'd never do anything.....

I will try this on Monday and let you know.

I think that it is important to know that the extension length in MiCollab is a nummber of digits dialed before adding a prefix. In NA, kind of like to set it to 9.

jpruder, yes we set to 9 here in the UK

Thanks for your assistance. The make busy codes do now work with the - before the code. Our digit length is 4 and the make busy set code #*#4 is also 4. So entered the code as -#*#4# the final # being the reason code and all is good.

Now I just need to find a way to ring all ACD agents simultaneously logged in / make busy or not when any ACD path interflows. Now that all desk phones are going in favour of softphones my simple mulitcall key used as the interflow on all agent desk phones will also have to go.

Thanks again to both of you. I am guessing this prefix with - thing is documented some ware because I have never heard of it. Mitel documentation used to be the best in the business now I am not so sure !!
i think its well hidden
i learnt it the hard way ( cant remember where i found it)

If I never did anything I'd never done before , I'd never do anything.....

Well Billz66

That's why I come hear in times of need, we all share what we learn. I do try to refer to any documentation before I come here though !

Hi again

I have found a way to get the ACD interflow extension number to ring all ACD softphones by adding a second key with the mulitcall set to ring. Problem is it rings the softphone when the user is on a call unlike on a desk phone where a multicall set to ring will not interrupt the user while on a call.

Interestingly as a test I set the multicall not to ring but it still rings on the softphone extension when called ??

I really want the mulitcall to act in the same was as it does on a desk phone ie: not ring when the user is on the phone and ring when there not.

I have played around with the various COS options for privacy , camp on and FAX security to no avail, it seems if you ring the multicall the softphone extension is going to ring.

Any ideas anyone please ?


Set option "Force Device Busy If Any Line In Use" to Yes in the CoS to your softphone in MiVB.
Select Yes to prevent phones from receiving calls when they are already engaged in a call. The
incoming calls are immediately forwarded to an alternate destination such as voicemail. If an
alternate destination is not available, the system returns busy tone
Hi AugustD2

Sorry should have mentioned that I tried COS option Force Device Busy If Any Line. Anyway if it acted as advertised it may not work for us as we need the multicall to ring all MiCollab ACD softphones who are no in a call

From help files below.

DNs appearing on multiple devices are thus exempt from the "Force Device Busy If Any Line In Use" option; calls to the DN will alert all devices with an appearance of the DN whether or not the device is busy.

Furthermore, enabling this option effectively turns a multicall group into a one-busy-all-busy group.


Instead of using a Multicall you could create a custom DN key on each set and then toss that into a ring group. That way you could use the Force Device Busy option.

I guess the way I would look at this more is when a queue interflows what action are you looking for?

In example if it is because people are not watching how many are in Make Busy, you could front end the issue with some form of notification if there are X calls in queue.
Or if calls hit a certain time in queue remove make busy from any agent who is not in Make Busy Code 1 (lunch).
If you are running multiple agent groups and it is to add others not normally in that queue you can use overflow groups instead too.


Thank you for the info

We thought about queues, but we wanted all phones to ring simultaneously on an interflow/ overflow situation.

We have several ACD paths for several departments all that interflow / overflow to a multicall that appears with ringing on all IP phones within the office. This gives everyone the ability to answer the call whether or not there logged into ACD.

This has served us well throughout the years on our 53xx sets but now that we are ditching these " not my preference " in favour of the MiCollab ACD softphones the problems is that unlike a 53xx set when you're on a call and the mulitcall rings through there is no ringing just a flashing key the softphone however when the mulitcall come through it rings over your call quite annoying.

I think we will just have to accept this as a compromise if we want softphones. I see the logic as a softphone does not have a visible key appearance therefore it's going to ring when a multicall comes in whether or not you're on the phone ?

We may be able to play around with audio settings on laptops and PC's to find some way to disable ringing while on a call so we may find a solution there.

I will try the DN Key in a ring group and the force busy option.


I would like to carry on with this post.

I have recently implemented AlphaMann's suggestion from his recent post above.

" create a custom DN key on each set and then toss that into a ring group. That way you could use the Force Device Busy option "

The issue now is that when a call is answered on this DN the softphone can no longer transfer the call. The transfer on the MiCollab ACD hotdesk SIP client is fiddly to say the least but it does work both blind and consultation transfers work from the softphone extension but fail when answering the overflow.

To be clear I have added a unique DN to a ring group for each user and added these into a RG that I point the ACD interflow to so all ACD groups will overflow to this ring group. The softphone extensions have the force busy option in the COS.

When you try to transfer the call is lost and the user is returned with a fast busy tone ?

I have removed the force busy and makes no difference so I have added it back in again. I am a bit stumped now so any suggestions are appreciated.

Can I just say that the MiCollab ACD hotdesk SIP softphone is a PITA

yes i agree.

its a typical new feature where mitel has done the very minimum to make it work and then not much afterwards.
webrtc softphone is the same , enough to say they have one , not enough for anyone to live on it with full functionality.

migrate your user to some other platform seems to be the way to progress

If I never did anything I'd never done before , I'd never do anything.....

Hi Billz66

I fear your right I may have to find another solution for this.

I am a great fan of Mitel and have worked on Mitel systems for many years but the R & D as well as the documentation has really gone down hill for a while now. It's a shame I used to tell folk that the Mitel documentation is the best in the business, cant say that now !

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