Hello everyone
System is an maim 50b with digital and analogue extensions.
Someone on extension 100 has transferred a voicemail from 100 to 101
The system is using old LKD Digital phones Ext 100 is an LKD30DS Ext 101 is an LKD8DS
so what is happening the red light is flashing on Ext 101 but there is no key programmed to either retrieve the message or voicemail setup on this extension
Can someone tell me what the codes are to turn of e flashing light and also what the codes are to set the flex buttons to retrieve the voicemail
I really hope that's enough information to make this problem go away
Thanks in advance
System is an maim 50b with digital and analogue extensions.
Someone on extension 100 has transferred a voicemail from 100 to 101
The system is using old LKD Digital phones Ext 100 is an LKD30DS Ext 101 is an LKD8DS
so what is happening the red light is flashing on Ext 101 but there is no key programmed to either retrieve the message or voicemail setup on this extension
Can someone tell me what the codes are to turn of e flashing light and also what the codes are to set the flex buttons to retrieve the voicemail
I really hope that's enough information to make this problem go away
Thanks in advance