This is the first time I use MFC and I'm a bit confused about many things so forgive me if my questions are a bit general.
I am trying to include a CFileDiagol in an existing projet that was not created as MFC (i.e. I created an empty project). The code compiles but as soon as I press the button witch call the dialog box I get a Debug assertion failed error, afxwin1.inl line 22. Now I know this code work because I got it from another projet thats uses MFC (properly ) and it works.
So here are my questions :
1. Why doesn't it work
2. I noticed there is an include file in the working project named "stdafx.h". What is this file and how was it generated?
3. There are a lot of preprocessor directive I don't understand in the working project :
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;
What are those, are they related to MFC?
4. There a lot of settings in under project settings refering to MFC (exemple : Under general, Microsoft fundation class). Where do I get explicit information on the meaning and effects of those settings?
Thanks a lot, do not hesitate to direct me to comprehensive website if my questions are to complex to be answered on a forum.
Thanks again.
This is the first time I use MFC and I'm a bit confused about many things so forgive me if my questions are a bit general.
I am trying to include a CFileDiagol in an existing projet that was not created as MFC (i.e. I created an empty project). The code compiles but as soon as I press the button witch call the dialog box I get a Debug assertion failed error, afxwin1.inl line 22. Now I know this code work because I got it from another projet thats uses MFC (properly ) and it works.
So here are my questions :
1. Why doesn't it work
2. I noticed there is an include file in the working project named "stdafx.h". What is this file and how was it generated?
3. There are a lot of preprocessor directive I don't understand in the working project :
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;
What are those, are they related to MFC?
4. There a lot of settings in under project settings refering to MFC (exemple : Under general, Microsoft fundation class). Where do I get explicit information on the meaning and effects of those settings?
Thanks a lot, do not hesitate to direct me to comprehensive website if my questions are to complex to be answered on a forum.
Thanks again.