I am writing for reading suggestions about how to update Crystal Report Instance numbers on our web page links.
Our web page displays reports as links - for example ReportA links to:
Web page created in: Oracle Application Server Portal
Reports written/generated by: CR Developer Ver. 10.0 and CE Ver. 10.0.
Our web page contains a section of 'Current Quarter' reports. When data for the new quarter are available, we update the Current Quarter reports on the web page with the new data. Currently, I run each report individually and manually update each URL with the new instance number.
Ideally, I would like to:
* Schedule Current Quarter reports to run based on a NewQuarter event, passing the new Month and Year parameters (I will explore either (1) creating a custom event or (2) investigate "Dynamic Parameters for Crystal Enterprise" available from APOS Systems Inc.)
* Update the instance numbers on the report links with the instance numbers for the newly updated reports.
I would like to explore if it is possible to automatically update reports on our web page, and am writing to ask for suggestions of where to read about pertinent methodology.
Thank you very much for any suggestions.
Our web page displays reports as links - for example ReportA links to:
Web page created in: Oracle Application Server Portal
Reports written/generated by: CR Developer Ver. 10.0 and CE Ver. 10.0.
Our web page contains a section of 'Current Quarter' reports. When data for the new quarter are available, we update the Current Quarter reports on the web page with the new data. Currently, I run each report individually and manually update each URL with the new instance number.
Ideally, I would like to:
* Schedule Current Quarter reports to run based on a NewQuarter event, passing the new Month and Year parameters (I will explore either (1) creating a custom event or (2) investigate "Dynamic Parameters for Crystal Enterprise" available from APOS Systems Inc.)
* Update the instance numbers on the report links with the instance numbers for the newly updated reports.
I would like to explore if it is possible to automatically update reports on our web page, and am writing to ask for suggestions of where to read about pertinent methodology.
Thank you very much for any suggestions.