The html forum sent me here (who knew it existed?)
Redoing my uniquely homely but extremely popular* page I spoke to a friendly designer, who claimed that metatags not only would be of no use in search engines, but that they would work against the site.
Would like opinions. Thanks.
* I own the oldest established restaurant recruiting company in the country and was among the first ten or so people to bring chef related issues to the web, pre mozilla and all. (Actually a bean company in Bimidgi named indian Harvest put up a crude interface - VI, I think - called Chefnet, but I typically digress). The web site was built in hand knit html to provide information for candidates, so I wouldn't have to repeat the same garbage over and over again. It looks like a 1976 menu, but whenever I say it's time to change it, everyone screams not to. People call from distant places saying they love the site. Go figure. I don't.
Redoing my uniquely homely but extremely popular* page I spoke to a friendly designer, who claimed that metatags not only would be of no use in search engines, but that they would work against the site.
Would like opinions. Thanks.
* I own the oldest established restaurant recruiting company in the country and was among the first ten or so people to bring chef related issues to the web, pre mozilla and all. (Actually a bean company in Bimidgi named indian Harvest put up a crude interface - VI, I think - called Chefnet, but I typically digress). The web site was built in hand knit html to provide information for candidates, so I wouldn't have to repeat the same garbage over and over again. It looks like a 1976 menu, but whenever I say it's time to change it, everyone screams not to. People call from distant places saying they love the site. Go figure. I don't.