I have a sales rep. asking for a setup that I've never done before, and I'm not entirely sure it's even possible.
What he is requesting is this:
Call comes in and gets answered immediately by AA. Caller x-fers to an ext. If the ext. they x-fer to doesn't answer and the call goes to that exts. MB and the caller decides to 0 out, the call will x-fer to ext. 10 (receptionist). If the receptionist does not answer the call, they want the call to ring a group of phones so someone else can answer it. They want to have a live body answer every call if possible.
I know how to get most of that to work, it's VM 101, but I'm not sure how to get the call to ring a group of phones if ext. 10 doesn't answer, or even if it's possible. Can anyone give some options before I tell them to go to the IPO w/VM Pro?
What he is requesting is this:
Call comes in and gets answered immediately by AA. Caller x-fers to an ext. If the ext. they x-fer to doesn't answer and the call goes to that exts. MB and the caller decides to 0 out, the call will x-fer to ext. 10 (receptionist). If the receptionist does not answer the call, they want the call to ring a group of phones so someone else can answer it. They want to have a live body answer every call if possible.
I know how to get most of that to work, it's VM 101, but I'm not sure how to get the call to ring a group of phones if ext. 10 doesn't answer, or even if it's possible. Can anyone give some options before I tell them to go to the IPO w/VM Pro?