I upgraded a customer to a magix processor and merlin messagin. they are in key mode. i went into admin and gave each mailbox the ability to have outcalling notification. inside user mailbox ive got outcalling to a phone selected and have tried the # to dial with a 9, without a 9, with pauses etc.. ive made sure the voice mail ports are not restricted. ive even went into cntr programming and set auto line selection to start at the last line and work its way to first line for those ports. i leave a test message and can see the voicemail port access the line but then hangs up after just a sec and never dials.
theres two backplanes.
the first; the proccessor, 3-o16 mlx cards, 1-012 w/ ring gen and ttr, and the 6 port messaging.
the second; 3-800 loop start, and i added a 400 gs/ls/ttr for more touch tones.
not the way i would have configured it with the ext first and trunks last but inherited it this way.
ive tested the touch tones from an analog port on the 012 card with the 04,+2digits,+123456789*0# code and get a double tone confirmation. in my notes i have it should be a triple tone confirmation but its been a minute since i trouble shot this far into a legend.
What am I missing? appreciate any help. usually don't post unless i'm stumped... Thanks
theres two backplanes.
the first; the proccessor, 3-o16 mlx cards, 1-012 w/ ring gen and ttr, and the 6 port messaging.
the second; 3-800 loop start, and i added a 400 gs/ls/ttr for more touch tones.
not the way i would have configured it with the ext first and trunks last but inherited it this way.
ive tested the touch tones from an analog port on the 012 card with the 04,+2digits,+123456789*0# code and get a double tone confirmation. in my notes i have it should be a triple tone confirmation but its been a minute since i trouble shot this far into a legend.
What am I missing? appreciate any help. usually don't post unless i'm stumped... Thanks