Did you go into system System Parameters? In there you would administer the call answer service operator be pressing 3. It would go like this. Login--dial 0#--(system admin passord)--9--1(system parameters)--3(system operator)--enter the system operator followed be the pound sign. Unless the mailbox you are dialing 0 on has a personal operator. It might be 768 which is just like dialing 0 on any phone behind the Magix/legend.
CAS operator is set to "0" (was set to 104, not sure why we did that unless just to test, that's the back-up operator staion) still no joy. After responding to the VM sys "not available" Prompt dial zero just rings for ever. I did reset things as you suggested, to no avail. Any other ideas?
You can't set the CAS operator to zero - either 768 or the "real" operator's extention number. If you set CAS to the "real" operator - say ext 100 - then also make sure you set the Daytime Dial Zero/Timeout action to transfer to ext 100. You are going into "oblivion" because ext 0 does not actually exist. When you press 0 while in a mailbox you are routed to whatever the CAS is set to (if set to the default of 768 the call is sent it to the lowest logical extention number - which is usually the operator). If set to the "real" operator - that's were it goes - and if unanswered goes to her mailbox. If it's set to 786 - it will just ring at the lowewst ext number until the calling party hangs up. So I always set it to the "real" operator extention number.
Tom, oops I misread jinx's post. THought he'd said enter '0' as CAS, seemed wrong, but Had already tried 100, 104 and 786 there b4 posting.
I think I've already tried "...set[ing] the Daytime Dial Zero/Timeout action to transfer to ext 100" but will double check in the AM.
I initially set the VM up with auto config [grp ex 7929] rather than from scratch. that wouldn't have thrown any other odd settings elsewhere that would cause me a prob, would it?
The autoconfig would set up the voicemail group as 7929 - and put the voicemail ports there. I would make sure they have been removed - and put in 770 (the usual vm calling group). The autoconfig group may also have placed your phone lines and/or pools in that group - so check and remove. Make sure the voicemail ports are rotary enabled. Autoconfig would also have created a vm cover group and placed all existing extentions in that group. I assume it used cover group 30 and set coverage by 7929 for 30.
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