Have a form that just runs all day counting stuff and displaying counts to users. The DB is SQL Server and the Access DP is linked to the server via an internet connection--Thus the info gathering query, which has groupbys, sums and orderbys, may take 30 seconds or more to run. I have set up a message area on the form that tells the users where the code is at any particular point. However, the messages below (in blue) never get displayed. The messages before and after this group work fine. In addition, these messages display when I single cycle through the code in the editor.
Thanks in advance
Dim cnndbo As ADODB.Connection
Set cnndbo = CurrentProject.Connection
Dim rsdbo As New ADODB.Recordset
rsdbo.ActiveConnection = cnndbo
rsdbo.CursorType = adOpenDynamic
'-------------Send query to SQL Server, check for EOF, and set rs cursor to first record------------------
Me.MsgArea.Caption = "Execute Query"
Me.MsgArea.BackColor = vbRed rsdb
pen SumBalls
If rsdbo.EOF = True Then
Exit Sub
End If
'Update BayCounts.Counts from RecordSet rsdbo.
Dim udq As Variant
Do While Not rsdbo.EOF
Me.MsgArea.Caption = "Updating Table"
Thanks in advance
Dim cnndbo As ADODB.Connection
Set cnndbo = CurrentProject.Connection
Dim rsdbo As New ADODB.Recordset
rsdbo.ActiveConnection = cnndbo
rsdbo.CursorType = adOpenDynamic
'-------------Send query to SQL Server, check for EOF, and set rs cursor to first record------------------
Me.MsgArea.Caption = "Execute Query"
Me.MsgArea.BackColor = vbRed rsdb
If rsdbo.EOF = True Then
Exit Sub
End If
'Update BayCounts.Counts from RecordSet rsdbo.
Dim udq As Variant
Do While Not rsdbo.EOF
Me.MsgArea.Caption = "Updating Table"