Here's the setup - Two sites, one in London and the other in Liverpool. Each site has SBS2000 running Exchange 2000. The London site picks up a standard pop3 mailbox (single email address ). The Liverpool site picks up a similar account - plus an unlimted alias pop3 account - * Filters have been put on the unlimited alias accounts at the isp site (filtering on the "to,cc and bcc fields) , so that some addresses get re-routed to the mailbox (to facilitate individual email addresses for the london site) The problem is when the an e-mail is sent to someone at the London site and the Liverpool site. The intended recipients get the message but errors are also generated.
The error message on the admins account on each server is "A configuration error in the e-mail system caused the message to bounce between two servers or to be forwarded between two recipients". The sender receives the following message "This is an automatically generated Delivery Status
Notification. Unable to deliver message to the following recipients, because the message was forwarded more than the maximum allowed times. This could indicate a mail loop".
Occasionally when anyone at sends out a message they also get the following - A configuration error in the e-mail system caused the message to bounce between two servers or to be forwarded between two recipients. Contact your administrator.
<tllivserver.tlliv.local #4.4.6>
The error message on the admins account on each server is "A configuration error in the e-mail system caused the message to bounce between two servers or to be forwarded between two recipients". The sender receives the following message "This is an automatically generated Delivery Status
Notification. Unable to deliver message to the following recipients, because the message was forwarded more than the maximum allowed times. This could indicate a mail loop".
Occasionally when anyone at sends out a message they also get the following - A configuration error in the e-mail system caused the message to bounce between two servers or to be forwarded between two recipients. Contact your administrator.
<tllivserver.tlliv.local #4.4.6>