Within a .tsc, I want to feed an inbound message to another tsc, and get the results back in a variable. However, I don't want to put it into ~output. Then, after having that message in a variable, I want to reference one of the subnodes. Is this possible? If so, what syntax to I use to reference the subnode in the variable?
Here's a quick outline of what I'm trying:
(load SECOND_TSC.tsc)
(let MESSAGE (SECOND_TSC ~input))
(let COUNTX (count MESSAGE.subnode))
Within a .tsc, I want to feed an inbound message to another tsc, and get the results back in a variable. However, I don't want to put it into ~output. Then, after having that message in a variable, I want to reference one of the subnodes. Is this possible? If so, what syntax to I use to reference the subnode in the variable?
Here's a quick outline of what I'm trying:
(load SECOND_TSC.tsc)
(let MESSAGE (SECOND_TSC ~input))
(let COUNTX (count MESSAGE.subnode))