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Message to sender after submiting the form

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Technical User
Apr 17, 2007
How can i set up this form action to send a custom message to the email entered on the "email" input field once they click submit ?


# 20020308 kmac
# cgi script
BEGIN { $debug = 0; }

use SybEnv;
use Sybase::CTlib;
use CGI_Input;
ct_callback(CS_SERVERMSG_CB, "srv_cb");

$soedb = "cfwe43alit2";
$soetbl = "es5sgss";
$event_name = "Annual Site Visit";
$event_date = "20070430";
$event_type = "Annual Site Visit";

$destaddr = 'chorta@mydomain.com'; # destination address for email

chop($date = `date "+%d-%h-%Y"`); # date
chop($time = `date "+%I:%M:%S %p"`); # time
$webmaster = 'webguy@mydomain.com'; # party responsible for form/cgi script

# print header
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";

# Process incoming data

# decode and split input data
$Vars=CGI_Input::parse_indata(); # $Vars is a ref to hash

# Assign values to variable names

while ( ($name,$value) = each(%$Vars) ) {

# sanity check on the length of variable data submitted.
$$name = substr($value,0,255);
# these are the only characers allowed, delete everything else
$$name =~ tr/[a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.@\/' '()]//cd;
# don't allow these special chars
$$name =~ s/'|%|"/ /g;

if ($debug) {print "$name equals $$name<BR>\n";}

# Check variables passed in

#these are the only variables allowed; reject if they send anything else.
@allowed_vars = qw(address city comments company email fname institution lname other_notified participation_reason position topics_area_interest attend_workshop submit);

$bad_var = CGI_Input::allowed_vars(\@allowed_vars, $Vars);

if ($bad_var) {
$err_msg = "Rejected Submission -- Bad Variable Passed: $bad_var
<P>Please hit the Back button on your browser and try again.";
error_form("Bad Variable");
} elsif ($debug) {
print "All vars OK<BR>\n";

# Check for required variables

@required_vars = qw(fname lname position institution address email);

($missing_vals) = CGI_Input::required_vars(\@required_vars,0); # ref to array

if ($missing_vals) {
#print "Missing Vals: @$missing_vals<BR>\n";

for ($i=0;$i<@$missing_vals;++$i) {
$missing_vals_html .= "<BR>" . uc(@$missing_vals[$i]);

$err_msg = "You must fill in the following field(s):<BR><B> $missing_vals_html</B>
<P>Please hit the Back button on your browser and try again.";
error_form("Missing Values");
} elsif ($debug) {
print "OK - No Missing Vals<BR>\n";

# check for valid email and phone format

# convert to upper case to display
$attend_dinner = uc $attend_dinner;
$attend_event = uc $attend_event;

# send email to administrator

# Everything is OK. Display message that form was sent.


# Send email with form values.

sub send_email {
if (open (MAIL, "|/usr/lib/sendmail -t -oi" ))
print MAIL "To: $destaddr $email\n";
print MAIL "Subject: TDLC SLC Annual Site Visit";
print MAIL "\nThis is your confirmation for the TDLC SLC Annual Site Visit\n\n";
print MAIL "Date: $date; Time: $time\n";
print MAIL "******************************************************\n";
print MAIL "Name: $lname, $fname\n\n";
print MAIL "Title/Position: $position\n\n";
print MAIL "Institution/Company: $institution\n\n";
print MAIL "Address: $address\n\n";
print MAIL "Email: $email\n\n";
print MAIL "TDLC Affiliation: $attend_workshop\n\n";
print MAIL "Network Affiliation: $company\n\n";
print MAIL "Associated Facilities: $topics_area_interest\n\n";
print MAIL "TDLC Projects: $other_notified\n\n";
print MAIL "Role on project: $city\n\n";
print MAIL "NSF Bio Sketch: $comments\n\n";
print MAIL "Comments: $participation_reason\n\n";
print MAIL "******************************************************\n";
print MAIL "Thank you for registering.\n";
close MAIL;
} else {
$err_msg = " The form you filled out could not be mailed.<BR>
Please contact <A HREF=\"mailto:$webmaster\">$webmaster</A> ";
error_form("Mail Error");

sub check_valid_format {

if ($email !~/.*@.*\./i){
$err_msg= "\nInvalid email address<BR>
<P>Please hit the Back button on your browser and try again.";
error_form("Invalid Email");


sub registration_data {
# put poster info in sybase table
#call the sybase connect subroutines
$sql = "insert $soedb..$soetbl (event_name, event_date, lname, fname, position, email, institution, comments, input_date, event_type, city, address, other_notified, participation_reason, topics_area_interest, company, attend_workshop)
values ('$event_name', '$event_date', '$lname', '$fname', '$position', '$email', '$institution', '$comments' ,getdate(), '$event_type', '$city', '$address','$other_notified','$participation_reason','$topics_area_interest', '$company', '$attend_workshop')";
if ($debug) {print "<BR> sql: $sql<BR>\n";}
$num_rows = $dbh->{ROW_COUNT};
if ($num_rows ne "1") {
$err_msg = "There was an error processing your submission<BR>
Please contact <A HREF=\"mailto:$webmaster\">$webmaster</A>
to report this";
error_form("Database Error");
} else {
$data_msg = "Personal info successfully entered.";

sub ok_form {

print <<EOM;
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<meta http-equiv="REFRESH" content="0;url=complete.html"></HEAD>



sub error_form {

my $title=$_[0];

if (!$title) {$title="Submission Error";}

print "<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>$title</TITLE>
<STYLE TYPE=text/css>
TH {font-size: 13pt; font-color:#7E9C4F; font-family: Arial,Helvetica,san-serif;}
TD {font-size: 10pt; font-color:#333333; font-family: verdana,Helvetica,san-serif;}
Error Submitting Information!<BR>
<FONT COLOR=#CC0000>$title</FONT>
Time: $time<BR><BR>


sub msg_cb {
my($layer, $origin, $severity, $number, $msg, $osmsg) = @_;
if ($severity > 10) {
printf STDERR "\nOpen Client Message: (In msg_cb)\n";
printf STDERR "Message number: LAYER = (%ld) ORIGIN = (%ld) ",
$layer, $origin;
printf STDERR "SEVERITY = (%ld) NUMBER = (%ld)\n",
$severity, $number;
printf STDERR "Message String: %s\n", $msg;
if (defined($osmsg)) {
printf STDERR "Operating System Error: %s\n", $osmsg;
printf STDERR "\nExiting on Open Client error\n";
$err_msg = "\n<P>Exiting on Open Client error<BR>\n$msg\n<BR>
<P><B>Sorry, your registration was not processed.<P></B>
Please report this error message to
<A HREF=\"mailto:$webmaster\">$webmaster</A>";
error_form("Open Client Error");
} else {

sub srv_cb {
my($cmd, $number, $severity, $state, $line, $server, $proc, $msg) = @_;
if ($severity > 10) {
printf STDERR "\nServer message: (In srv_cb)\n";
printf STDERR "Message number: %ld, Severity %ld, ",
$number, $severity;
printf STDERR "State %ld, Line %ld\n", $state, $line;
if (defined($server)) {
printf STDERR "Server '%s'\n", $server;
if (defined($proc)) {
printf STDERR " Procedure '%s'\n", $proc;
printf STDERR "Message String: %s\n", $msg;
printf STDERR "\nExiting on Server error\n";
$err_msg = "\n<P>Exiting on Server error:\n<BR>$msg\n<BR>
<P><B>Sorry, your registration was not processed.<P></B>
Please report this error message to
<A HREF=\"mailto:$webmaster\">$webmaster</A>";
error_form("Server Error");
} else {
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