Not exactly sure where to post this because it is new to me.
No matter what web site I go to on this system I get a message, if I go to facebook first "Message from webpage. Line 97 of Library not registered".
I can go no further till I check OK, then the next web site the same message will appear, only the different, if I go to google it will be and so on.
I have ran all the usual anti virus and anti spyware programs, Windows XP is up to date. This is the only problem with this Toshiba laptop.
Any input appreciated
No matter what web site I go to on this system I get a message, if I go to facebook first "Message from webpage. Line 97 of Library not registered".
I can go no further till I check OK, then the next web site the same message will appear, only the different, if I go to google it will be and so on.
I have ran all the usual anti virus and anti spyware programs, Windows XP is up to date. This is the only problem with this Toshiba laptop.
Any input appreciated