Hello, I am a newbie to javascript and I would like to make the code below stay on the website's homepage for as long as a viewer is on the site. I am trying to make the website as personalized as possible but I don't want the same viewer typing h/her name every time h/she goes back to the homepage. Thanks and any help is highly appreciated.
<!-- Start of Hello Visitor JavaScript-->
<!-- DESCRIPTION: This will ask the user for his/her name, then tell them WELCOME.
<!-- INSTRUCTIONS: Place this script below the BODY tag, before you start the content of your page.
<!-- FUNCTIONALITY: Works in both Netscape and IE.
var name = prompt ('Please type in your name for personalized greeting','');
var color = prompt ('Please choose your color','');
document.write("<CENTER><FONT FACE=ARIAdL,VERDANA COLOR="+color+" >Hello "+name+", Welcome to Willamette Family</FONT></CENTER><P>")
<!-- Start of Hello Visitor JavaScript-->
<!-- DESCRIPTION: This will ask the user for his/her name, then tell them WELCOME.
<!-- INSTRUCTIONS: Place this script below the BODY tag, before you start the content of your page.
<!-- FUNCTIONALITY: Works in both Netscape and IE.
var name = prompt ('Please type in your name for personalized greeting','');
var color = prompt ('Please choose your color','');
document.write("<CENTER><FONT FACE=ARIAdL,VERDANA COLOR="+color+" >Hello "+name+", Welcome to Willamette Family</FONT></CENTER><P>")