That would be the function of a multiline phone. You could set it to get "outside" dial-tone, but that's it. You cannot switch to another "line" because it is single line phone.
You can hookflash and "transfer" a call to someone else, but what it looks like is that he wants to talk outside3, then switch to an inside line. What's happening to the "outside" call then?
Sorry, I wasn't clear in my question. This guy wants to have a single line phone at a location that he can just pick up and have an outside line (no dial 9).
Is there any way to make an intercom call to another local extension from that phone?
We usually set it up with intercom tone on pick-up and dial 9 for outside.
Don't think so. The sequence with the hookflash and a single line phone is used for a transfer or conference call, but not to select inside or outside dial tone. The usual scenario, as you know, is like you are used to setting up, pickup system dial tone, then the dial out code for an outside call. You can use auto line select to go off-hook with outside dial tone, but I know of no way to then select inside dial tone.
If you have the ports available, you could give them a 2-line analog phone, wire a T/R port to "Line 1" and give it a pool that it auto line selects first, and wire another T/R port to "Line 2" that gets intercom first. Probably outward restrict the line 2 so they don't make outbound calls over that button.
...but if your going to go that far, save your analog ports and give em' an MLX/ATL set, with a pool button like mentioned above, unless he's just got to have analog ports or you have no spare mlx/atl.
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