No - unfortunately you will have to program everything from scratch to the new messaging module. You have to have had at least an R2.5 Messaging to be able to restore a full back-up using the PC-LAN connection - which the R1.1 does not have.
Well, Tom is right about doing a SAVE and RESTORE, but IF, and that's a really BIG IF, IF you have a Release 2.5 or later MAGIX, the R4.0 MESSAGING coupled with the R3.5 Magix, can pretty much program itself, at least as far as the MAIL BOXES are concerned.
When you are able to use the "CONFIG MERLIN MESSAGING" [Menu > Sys Prog > Start > System > Config Mer Mesg] option of the MAGIX, it will create a MAIL BOX for each and every LABLED EXTENSION, it will set the others up as TRANSFER ONLY (at least that's what the story book says) and it will put all EXTENSIONS in COVER GROUP 30, PLUS it will ASSIGN ALL VOICE MAIL PORTS to CALLING GROUP 7929 and make them ROTARY ENABLED.
That being said, then you would be left with (A) changing all AUTO DIALS to Voice Mail to point to 7929, (INstead of where ever they were pointed to before) and re-programming your auto attendants. (Maybe a bit more, but pretty much, that is it in a nutshell.)
But again, you have to have the LATER RELEASE of the MAGIX to make this happen.
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