Have a setup where a circuit has DID so calls to their main# get 377 which is expanded to 6377 matching their extension scheme. 6377 is in the Merlin Messaging as an Automated Attendant and so it gets answered by the system. They would like to change it so that it rings 4-5 times to two extensions which are part of group 773 and then if they do not answer, have the automated attendant kick in.
I've been able to get it to ring and ring but not have the automated attendant kick in after x rings say 5 (25 seconds). With analog lines I have done the 791 group setup similar to 6377 which is only an extension. Perhaps I'm trying to over complicate it or just over-tired.
Any best suggestions as to how to do this.
I've been able to get it to ring and ring but not have the automated attendant kick in after x rings say 5 (25 seconds). With analog lines I have done the 791 group setup similar to 6377 which is only an extension. Perhaps I'm trying to over complicate it or just over-tired.
Any best suggestions as to how to do this.