Hello...I had written previously about the nite service in my office. When nite service comes on and it says press 0 to go to general voicemail....it seems to keep ringing and ringing, instead of going to voicemail. The suggestion I had been replied with was to change the dial0 option.
Previously it was on "record a message on general voicemail" at the suggestion I changed it to "transfer to call answer service operator" that nite everything seemed to work good, throught the next day. Now once again the voicemail is just ringing straight through never picking up.
any other suggestions? Thanks!
Previously it was on "record a message on general voicemail" at the suggestion I changed it to "transfer to call answer service operator" that nite everything seemed to work good, throught the next day. Now once again the voicemail is just ringing straight through never picking up.
any other suggestions? Thanks!