unkalary thanks for the reply. i have done that and still no go. someone mentioned that you can't access the trunk access code without being unrestricted. i wasn't sure if there is a prompt in cdb that i might need to allow or build something to get around this.
LD 49 New Flexible Code Restriction is used to allow CTD (which is default cls on all sets) dial a trunk access code ie: paging route If your paging is set up as TYPE PAG in the route data block, other control is allowed such as TIMR in LD 16 to control how long one can access trunk. Also if used on att console, when attendant selects PAGE key, console takes control of page trunk dropping any station that was on trunk. If TGAR on station and TARG on page trunk route match, then that station could not access page trunk. That way you control who, in addition to console may have access.
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