I have been given the wonderful task of installing two drives for disk shadowing, but have no documentation. Help or documentation is GREEAATLY appreciated. There is currently (1) tape drive and two other drives installed. One is an older drive with the ugly black peice and led on the front and another seagate SCSI drive. When you cold boot the MMail it sees SCSI ID 0 as a Seagate drive and SCSI ID 1 as the tape drive. I then set the two new drives to address 2 with the jumpers and slid one drive above the seagate drive and the other drive above the older style drive. The system boots the exact same way as before, no difference in the boot or when you look under disk maintenance. The Power LED on the new drives do light up when first turned on. Any ideas, I read somewhere that there is jumper settings on the backplane. Thanks for any help.