On our Meridian Mail 12 I have an Auto Attendant running with a choice for callers to reach employees through Dial by Name feature. There are a few things that are not working as I would like them to and don't even know if I can change them at all.
First of all, when a caller dials a name and after first few inputs the system identifies the name as unique, it dial the extension assigned to that person right away and doesn't allow the caller to confirm if that's the person he/she intends to call to.
Secondly, when a caller dials partial name and gets a few choices to choose from he/she can't press 0 at that time to be transferred to an attendant.
Thirdly, I am not really sure how the system sorts the available choices there. If somebody dials first 3 characters of a name and the system gives 3-4 choices to chose from, the selection seems to be sorted in a very strange way (based on length of the name or something) also if the personal verification is not recorded on the voice mail box the system puts those selections to the bottom of the list.
Could anyone assist me in this matter.