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Merging the value from one query into another...

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Technical User
Jun 24, 2001
I have a form on a web page that transfers values to another page to query an Access database. The first query uses form fields and returns a value called 'band' from the AllBand table (see below):

<% Option Explicit %>
<h2>Quick Quote</h2>

Dim dbBand
Dim rsBand
Dim oneRec
Dim Form_Amount
Dim Form_Plan

Form_Amount = Request.Form(&quot;Amount&quot;)
Form_Plan = Request.Form(&quot;Plan&quot;)

Set dbBand = Server.CreateObject(&quot;ADODB.Connection&quot;)

oneRec = &quot;SELECT * FROM AllBands WHERE RateInfoID=2 AND Plan=&quot;&Form_Plan&&quot; AND MinAmount <= &quot;&Form_Amount&&quot; AND MaxAmount > &quot;&Form_Amount&&quot;&quot;

Set rsBand = Server.CreateObject(&quot;ADODB.Recordset&quot;)

rsBand.Open oneRec, dbBand

Do While Not rsBand.EOF

Response.Write &quot;<li><p>&quot; & rsBand(&quot;Band&quot;) & &quot;</p></li>&quot;
If rsBand.BOF Then
Response.Write &quot;<p>No Entries in the database!</p>&quot; & VBCrLf
End If



So like I mentioned before this query is returning the value located in the band field. What I want it to do though is to copy this value into the following SQL query so that I can use it to query another table and return a different value (rate). Here's what that query needs to look like:

Dim dbBand
Dim rsBand
Dim oneRec
Dim Form_Sex
Dim Form_Age
Dim Form_Plan

Form_Sex = Request.Form(&quot;Sex&quot;)
Form_Age = Request.Form(&quot;Age&quot;)
Form_Plan = Request.Form(&quot;Plan&quot;)

Set dbBand = Server.CreateObject(&quot;ADODB.Connection&quot;)

oneRec = &quot;SELECT * FROM Can_Life WHERE RateInfoID=2 AND Sex=&quot;&Form_Sex&&quot; AND Class=0 AND Age=&quot;&Form_Age&&quot; AND Plan=&quot;&Form_Plan&&quot; AND Band=&quot;Value_from_1st_SQL&quot;&quot;

So somehow I have to insert the value that was returned from the first query into this second query (just so you know they are querrying different tables).

How do I write a 'joined' or 'double' query?

Thanks again,
In other words this is what I want to do:

I need to use the value that is retrieved from one query in another query. Here's the first query:

query1 = &quot;SELECT * FROM AllBands WHERE RateInfoID=2 AND Plan=&quot;&Form_Plan&&quot; AND MinAmount <= &quot;&Form_Amount&&quot; AND MaxAmount > &quot;&Form_Amount&&quot;&quot;

Here's the second:

query2 = &quot;SELECT Rate FROM Can_Life WHERE RateInfoID=2 AND Sex=&quot;&Form_Sex&&quot; AND Class=6 AND Age=&quot;&Form_Age&&quot; AND Plan=&quot;&Form_Plan&&quot; AND Renewal=0 AND Band=&quot;THE VALUE RETURNED FROM QUERY 1&quot;&quot;

How do I do this?

Thanks in advance,
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