Dear All,
at the moment I have two the following style for non IE :
and for IE :
XImageTransform.Microsoft.Gradient(GradientType=1,StartColorStr='green',EndColorStr='white');width:100%; height:10%;}
I am building the style dependant on the browser that is being used, what I would like to do is to merge them into a single style so I would not need to do a browser detection, any ideas ?
Greg Griffiths
Livelink Certified Developer & ECM Global Star Champion 2005
at the moment I have two the following style for non IE :
and for IE :
I am building the style dependant on the browser that is being used, what I would like to do is to merge them into a single style so I would not need to do a browser detection, any ideas ?
Greg Griffiths
Livelink Certified Developer & ECM Global Star Champion 2005