Dear reader,
To understand what i wanna do clearly, see the followin' code that i tried to make it work:
<td bgcolor="ffffff" onclick="<cflocation url='index.cfm'>"></td>
The problem is that when i call the page that includes the above statement, it takes me directly to index.cfm ... i mean that the event (onclick) executes without clickin' the TD!!!!
can ya help?
with regards! <ikramy>with regards</ikramy>
To understand what i wanna do clearly, see the followin' code that i tried to make it work:
<td bgcolor="ffffff" onclick="<cflocation url='index.cfm'>"></td>
The problem is that when i call the page that includes the above statement, it takes me directly to index.cfm ... i mean that the event (onclick) executes without clickin' the TD!!!!
can ya help?
with regards! <ikramy>with regards</ikramy>