I was hoping someone can perhaps assist. I am currently using bookmarks to enter the current record on my form into a word doc called Personal Data From.
The data that merges is, ID, Name and Surname. The word template lies in the same directory as my DB.
Due to the fact that the doc is a template upon inserting the bookmarks it creates a new
Word doc called Document 1(etc.etc),
I then have to manually add my digital id since i seem to lose it everytime a new doc has been created from the template.
Save the file name as the current ID and save in a location called ToSend. I then via Access email this document to the candidate.
This however takes quite abit of time, having to press, Merge Document, Manually Add Signature, REname, and REsave in new location.
Is there a possible solution where it can save the file name automatically . This would be the current Id and by default saves it into my To send Folder. I am currenly using the following code to insert the bookmarks in the document.
I am leaving the document open to do all my aditional steps. I do not need to view the document, but have currently due to my digital id that needs to be added.
Can someone please advise on a possible addition to the code to create this automation. Any help or advise would be appreciated
Kind Regards
The data that merges is, ID, Name and Surname. The word template lies in the same directory as my DB.
Due to the fact that the doc is a template upon inserting the bookmarks it creates a new
Word doc called Document 1(etc.etc),
I then have to manually add my digital id since i seem to lose it everytime a new doc has been created from the template.
Save the file name as the current ID and save in a location called ToSend. I then via Access email this document to the candidate.
This however takes quite abit of time, having to press, Merge Document, Manually Add Signature, REname, and REsave in new location.
Is there a possible solution where it can save the file name automatically . This would be the current Id and by default saves it into my To send Folder. I am currenly using the following code to insert the bookmarks in the document.
I am leaving the document open to do all my aditional steps. I do not need to view the document, but have currently due to my digital id that needs to be added.
Can someone please advise on a possible addition to the code to create this automation. Any help or advise would be appreciated
Kind Regards
Private Sub Merge_Click()
Dim wrdApp As Object
Dim wrdDoc As Object
Set wrdApp = CreateObject("Word.Application")
Set wrdDoc = wrdApp.Documents.Add(CurrentProject.Path & "\Personal Data
With wrdDoc
.FormFields("ID").Result = Me.Form.ID
.FormFields("Surname").Result = Me.Form.Surname
.FormFields("FirstName").Result = Me.Form.[First Name]
End With
wrdApp.Visible = True
End Sub