Technical User
I'm not very experienced at programming but I wrote a script to manipulate two sets of data into a third file, but it's ugly and probably not very efficient. Here is the problem: Suppose I have two files, a.txt and b.txt; a.txt contains five columns (separated by spaces) and b.txt contains 13 columns (separated by commas). a.txt will always have fewer lines than b.txt and the values in column 1 of a.txt can be found in column 1 of b.txt. For example:
1111 asdf asdf asdf asdf
3333 asdf asdf asdf afsf
7777 assa asdf asdf skfa
The important thing to note is that 1111 and 3333 are the same between column 1 in a.txt and column 1 and 13 in b.txt, but 7777 has a different value for column 13 in b.txt (the rest of the data in both files is irrelevant to the manipulation I need to do). I need to merge these two files such that the value from column 13 in b.txt replaces the value in column 1 in a.txt, like so:
1111 asdf asdf asdf asdf
3333 asdf asdf asdf afsf
5678 assa asdf asdf skfa
So, I wrote the following script:
awk '{printf "%s\n",$1}' a.txt > a.column1.txt
for X in `cat a.column1.txt`
grep $X b.txt | /bin/awk -F, '{printf "%s\n",$13}' | sed 's/"//g' >> b.column13.txt
awk '{printf "%s %s %s %s\n",$2,$3,$4,$5}' a.txt > a.cols2to5.txt
sdiff b.column13.txt a.cols2to5.txt | sed 's/|//g' > ab.merged
As you can tell from the way I explained the problem and the way I wrote the script, I'm new to scripting
However, I don't have to be an expert to see that there's probably a much better way to do this. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
I'm not very experienced at programming but I wrote a script to manipulate two sets of data into a third file, but it's ugly and probably not very efficient. Here is the problem: Suppose I have two files, a.txt and b.txt; a.txt contains five columns (separated by spaces) and b.txt contains 13 columns (separated by commas). a.txt will always have fewer lines than b.txt and the values in column 1 of a.txt can be found in column 1 of b.txt. For example:
1111 asdf asdf asdf asdf
3333 asdf asdf asdf afsf
7777 assa asdf asdf skfa
The important thing to note is that 1111 and 3333 are the same between column 1 in a.txt and column 1 and 13 in b.txt, but 7777 has a different value for column 13 in b.txt (the rest of the data in both files is irrelevant to the manipulation I need to do). I need to merge these two files such that the value from column 13 in b.txt replaces the value in column 1 in a.txt, like so:
1111 asdf asdf asdf asdf
3333 asdf asdf asdf afsf
5678 assa asdf asdf skfa
So, I wrote the following script:
awk '{printf "%s\n",$1}' a.txt > a.column1.txt
for X in `cat a.column1.txt`
grep $X b.txt | /bin/awk -F, '{printf "%s\n",$13}' | sed 's/"//g' >> b.column13.txt
awk '{printf "%s %s %s %s\n",$2,$3,$4,$5}' a.txt > a.cols2to5.txt
sdiff b.column13.txt a.cols2to5.txt | sed 's/|//g' > ab.merged
As you can tell from the way I explained the problem and the way I wrote the script, I'm new to scripting
However, I don't have to be an expert to see that there's probably a much better way to do this. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.