I have a VB module that runs a query, populates a table, then populates a 1 page word document. I can make it create as many letters as there are records in my table, but my users want this to be 1 big document, with 1 page per row. So, if my table has 207 rows, I should get 1 document with 207 pages. I can't figure out how to make it do this.... (at this point, I don't care what it names the big doc)
Private Sub Cmd1MonthFaxUs_Click()
'On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
Dim sInsCo As String
Dim sInsCoFax As String
Dim sPolicyNo As String
Dim sOwner As String
Dim sTrustee As String
Dim sOwnerTID As String
Dim sLastName As String
Dim strTbl As String
Dim strDocName As String
Dim objWord As New Word.Application
Dim MainObjDoc As Word.Document
'DoCmd.SetWarnings (False)
DoCmd.OpenQuery "QryPremConfLetter"
strTbl = "TblMain"
Set dbs = CurrentDb
Set rst = dbs.OpenRecordset("Select * from " & strTbl & "")
With rst
Do While Not rst.EOF
strDocName = "S:\document preparation\Servicing\PremConfLetter1MonthFaxUs.doc"
objWord.Documents.Open FileName:=strDocName, PassWordDocument:="SuperSecurePass"
Set MainObjDoc = objWord.ActiveDocument
sInsCo = rst.Fields("InsCo")
sInsCoFax = rst.Fields("InsCoFax")
sPolicyNo = rst.Fields("PolicyNo")
sOwner = rst.Fields("OwnerName")
sTrustee = rst.Fields("Trustee")
sOwnerTID = rst.Fields("OwnerTID")
sLastName = rst.Fields("LastName")
MainObjDoc.Bookmarks("InsCo").Range.InsertAfter Trim((sInsCo))
MainObjDoc.Bookmarks("InsCoFax").Range.InsertAfter Trim((sInsCoFax))
MainObjDoc.Bookmarks("PolicyNo").Range.InsertAfter Trim((sPolicyNo))
MainObjDoc.Bookmarks("InsCo2").Range.InsertAfter Trim((sInsCo))
MainObjDoc.Bookmarks("Owner").Range.InsertAfter Trim((sOwner))
MainObjDoc.Bookmarks("Trustee").Range.InsertAfter Trim((sTrustee))
MainObjDoc.Bookmarks("OwnerTID").Range.InsertAfter Trim((sOwnerTID))
MainObjDoc.SaveAs FileName:="R:\servicing\doc prep letters\" & Trim(sLastName) & " - " & Trim(sPolicyNo) & ".doc", Password:=""
Set MainObjDoc = Nothing
Set objWord = Nothing
End With
MsgBox "Letters are Ready", vbOKOnly, "Document Preparation"
DoCmd.OpenQuery "QryTblMainDeleteRecords"
'DoCmd.SetWarnings (True)
End Sub