After performing a data dump/load to my laptop i notice that now I have the menu items duplciated, how do i fix this? where does accpac stores this information?
Sorry, I've checked this through Database setup app. I have two companies Sample and samsys, sample is using ODBC named Sample pointing to Sample Database and samsys is using a ODBC named samplesys pointing to samplesys database
and Sample is using a sysdb name samsys.
so, i think Iam missing something here cause seems to be another problem other than what you said. Where does accpac stores this?
I noticed something just now. There is something wrong with the samplsys DB. it has a lot of tables almost the same as the sample company DB, this is not right, right? what are the tables a sys DB is meant to have?
The system databse should have CS* tables only.
What you are seeing is a symptom of having an Accpac system and company database linked to one physical database.
I just delete all the rest of tables. but still the duplicated menu item remain.
I looked at the csapp and has only 5 records AP AR AS BK CS on the selector field.
also, what is this datadic table contains? some sort of binary data? how can i see the content of it?
Hi all, this is the solution to the duplicated menus, to whom it may concern
DjangMan (Programmer)
4 Sep 08 20:57
Scanisam.exe is in the runtime folder where your accpac.exe can be found.
If you have duplicated menu items that typically means that at some point your system database/company database pointed to the same directory and the two sets of tables are merged. Check out your CSAPP table in your company and system databases. The system database should only have the AS application and the company database will have all of the other applications except ( and no "AS" application).
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