I created a Perl script that is similiar to the windows explorer in that it shows the drives and folders on the left and the contents (files or sub folders) are on the right. Therefore there are 2 frames.
I want to make a java script that gives me a menu to open, create, delete, or rename drives on the left side.
I already found one that is effective. It allows me to select an option, then it opens a popup window where i can specify the name of the directory to create or rename or confirm delete.
Then I have a link on the new window to refresh the right hand side of the caller window and then close.
But my question or plea for help is, how do i direct the 'open' option straight to the right side without opening a new window. I am stuck since the code specifivally opens a new window. If i were to remove it, then all the other options will not open in a new window.
Is it possible to detect the mouse click and say, if lft click, open and direct to right side and if left click, open menu ?
I appreciate any help....soon too hehee
I want to make a java script that gives me a menu to open, create, delete, or rename drives on the left side.
I already found one that is effective. It allows me to select an option, then it opens a popup window where i can specify the name of the directory to create or rename or confirm delete.
Then I have a link on the new window to refresh the right hand side of the caller window and then close.
But my question or plea for help is, how do i direct the 'open' option straight to the right side without opening a new window. I am stuck since the code specifivally opens a new window. If i were to remove it, then all the other options will not open in a new window.
Is it possible to detect the mouse click and say, if lft click, open and direct to right side and if left click, open menu ?
I appreciate any help....soon too hehee