I created a menu as follows:
menubutton .b.mb -text File -menu .b.mb.menu -relief raised
pack .b.mb -side left -ipadx 2
set m [menu .b.mb.menu -tearoff 1]
$m add command -label cut -command { }
$m add command -label paste -command { }
what should i put inside command to make it work as cutting and pasting words in a entry label?
I created a menu as follows:
menubutton .b.mb -text File -menu .b.mb.menu -relief raised
pack .b.mb -side left -ipadx 2
set m [menu .b.mb.menu -tearoff 1]
$m add command -label cut -command { }
$m add command -label paste -command { }
what should i put inside command to make it work as cutting and pasting words in a entry label?